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Anything and everything about my love for fashion, travel, food and beauty.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Strawberry Picking

Strawberry Picking 

PrimroseVale - Gloucester 

This is the second year running I have been to this place, Last year was a great success I do have a post about it somewhere in last year. However this year wasn't all that great. 

The farm itself is very easy to get too, On one of the main roads from Gloucester to Cheltenham, You swell as having the option to strawberry pick you can choose raspberries, blackberries, loganberries and soon to be christmas trees. 

We went in july time last year and with all the hot weather the place was boiling and packed with loads of strawberries so we managed to get backers full, Which of course helped make the jam. 

But this time when we turned up there was a notice on the board stating the strawberry picking was closed when we asked in the shop she said its due to the bad weather. We where welcome to go around and see if we could find any. 

So we agreed and off we went. 

In total I managed to find about 5, all of which I ate while searching for more.Hungry business strawberry hunting.  This is what I love about strawberry picking. My grandma used to take us to one in Totnes, Devon every year. So this always reminds me of her. 

So with only five strawberries in my tummy, we gave up and opted for the raspberries. 

Too which there was none of these, feeling a little sad about finding nothing at this point.

In the end, we decided that the best thing was too just buy some from the farm shop. Its not as exciting and you don't get to pick which ones you want, However the new batch they put out wouldn't be ripe until beginning of next week. 

Oh well there is always next year. 

What I wore

♥ Cardigan checkered H&M
♥Leggings NewLook
♥Watch Sheen Casio
♥Scarf another new look find and one of my favourite scarfs. 

My makeup was quite subtle today too, 

Oh, and notice the new fringe I put in this morning. 
Yep. Im not a great fan.. Going to spend the next few months growing that bad boy out. 

Hope you all had a much better day than me



  1. Just found your blog and I'm really enjoying the content! That's too bad that you weren't able to pick delicious berries. Looking forward to more posts! If you had a moment could you check out my blog:
    I also just followed you on Bloglovin, if you could do the same!

  2. Hello Beautiful! The sunshine looks perfect on your side of the world! (: Looking forward to more.

    ♥ | www.connect-the-cloths.com | xoxo


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