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Anything and everything about my love for fashion, travel, food and beauty.

Monday, 23 June 2014

Paignton ZOO


Day three 

When I was about 4 we lived opposite the zoo, Then when we where about 11 our house was knocked down to make way for an estate. 

But I remember a few things about it, always being able to hear the peacocks was one. 

So we all went, the usual people Me, Mia, Jazz and the kids. 
Dylan LOVED IT. 

Here is dylan posing next to a gorilla 

Admiring the lizards, which dylan loved! It was a lot more expensive than I remember to get in, Adults are £15.00 while children over three are £10.00


The kangaroos 

Roo loving the monkeys!

Baby and mummy monkey 

rueben and his lolly 

One of the best things about this zoo, The lemur enclosure where you have the wooden bridge which wobbles. I remember being tinny and this bridge seeming massive, however now I am older doesn't seem quite that big. 

the snakes! 

Mia not so much enjoying the heat. 

Me and dylan 

The lillypads.

One of the best things I have seen him the Salt Water crocodile. 

now because of the heat and time unfortunately we didn't actually see the whole of the zoo, So I missed out on the elephants the zebras and giraffes all the big animals. I will take John here on a date I think, Simply b'cos I love this place! 

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