Tobys carverys.
I am terrible at updating this blog. I have all these fantastic ideas and yet it works out that I never have the time to do posts. I will try my hardest, I just have so many things going on at the moment that a second to myself is beginning to be rare.
Anyway, back to the subject at hand. We went out for dinner, by we I mean Me, my mum and her partner. If we go for a roast we usually stick to the same place in Prestbury, Cheltenham. This time however we thought we would rock the boat and go somewhere different. I actually have never been to a Toby Carvery I do tend to stick to the local family pub instead of these chain restaurants. Food was okay, I opted for Gammon and veg with bread sauce. Now the bread sauce was a winner here because no pubs in this area do bread sauce. It isn't the healthiest thing to have with a roast but it is my favourite.
The one we went to is in Brockwoth, Gloucestershire. If you haven't been I wouldn't recommend going. There is nothing there, The restaurant itself is on the main road through it, in the middle of nowhere surrounded by fields.
My mum
The deco lacked something to be desired, It looked almost 90's feel. I guess thats what you get with chain restaurants. Same deco in each of the restaurants.
The roast, Yes notice the amount of cranberry sauce.
And here was me, No make up and if comfy clothes. I literally got home and fell asleep eating a large amount of food does that too me. What I would say, If you have not been to a Tobys Carvery before you're not missing out. It's mainly produced in a large quality so not much taste for the actual food themselves. However the food was cheap and on a sunday would be useful for a hangover.
It is one of these things where you get what you pay for.
I rate it 6/10
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